With the service we offer you at Arregui Villas you can rest assured of the management and that the entire sales process will be carried out with the greatest guarantees.
We will make the assessment of the house,one of our experts will visit it and with the baggage and experience we have, we can advise you on what interests you most. We will determine a price that allows us to receive visits to the property and we will be able to reach the final sale goal. Arregui Villas guarantees that you will be in all the visits and procedures related to your home. We want to advise on the advantages and possibilities of housing in order to transmit its potential to the future client. In the management of the procedures and certifications our team will be in charge of completing the legal file to have all the legal information. Arregui Villas will be in charge of advertising and marketing with quality graphic material made by our professionals. We guarantee the total confidence that our team of professionals will be in each management of the sale process and until the signing and new award of the property.